Our blog is designed to provide trustworthy answers to all your pressing HVAC questions. Here, you can learn about your high-rise HVAC system’s operation and maintenance requirements, stay up-to-date on new products and services, and gain access to informative third-party resources. Educating our clients helps us to provide the best possible service along the way.
Toronto May Set Maximum Heat Limits to Protect Tenants Amid Rising Heat Risks
As extreme weather becomes more frequent, having an adaptable, energy-efficient HVAC system is essential to meeting both current and potential new regulations while ensuring tenant comfort and safety. Upgrading your HVAC system is not only a smart move for compliance, but also for protecting health and maintaining good rental conditions.
Better Indoor Air Series: Part 1
Indoor plants help reduce carbon dioxide levels and increase humidity, which helps improve air quality.
Thermostat vs Thermometer
A thermostat’s function is to read the current room temperature and control your HVAC system…
HVAC 101: A (brief) overview of how your HVAC system works
Basically, your fan coil unit uses conditioned water to heat and cool your suite’s air. That water is supplied through large pipes (risers) that run the height of your building.