Flood prevention

Warmer months pose a greater risk of floods in condo & rental buildings. This is because of the condensation AC units produce (fan coils/heat pumps) during the cooling process which removes humidity from the air. If the drain line or drain pan from this unit is clogged, the condensation can't drain away - a major contributor to in-suite floods.

While regular cleaning of your pan and drain line is paramount to preventing backups and floods, sometimes it is not enough and builds up over time, or 1 stray piece of debris may thwart your efforts.

JPS has spent years in the field testing the best drain pan overflow shut-off switches and lower cabinet sensor combinations that are able to detect early signs of a flood situation. When such a situation is detected, the switch closes off the actuated zone valve and disconnects power from the fan and thermostat; This stops the condensation process preventing any further water from draining into the pan which could cause a flood, thousands of dollars in damage, increased insurance premiums, and HEADACHES (and in some cases, headaches quite literally due to increase in moisture causing mold which can affect some residents who are sensitive). We have several overflow options which can include a secondary floor moisture sensor and audible and visual alarms for both new 24V controls, as well as older 120V systems.

To inquire further or obtain a quote for our floor prevention drain pan overflow shut-off switch, call our office at:



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